The Stylebook is your styleguide that it will maintain the coherence of the design of your website and keep a uniform and homogeneous style, without breaking with the image that you want to convey to the visitor.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse varius enim in eros elementum tristique.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse varius enim in eros elementum tristique.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse varius enim in eros elementum tristique.
Block Quote – Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus.
This text aligns to the left in desktop breakpoint and smaller ones.
This text aligns to the left in tablet and smaller breakpoints.
This text aligns to the left in in mobile, landscape and portrait.
This text aligns to the center in desktop breakpoint and smaller ones.
This text aligns to the center in tablet and smaller breakpoints.
This text aligns to the center in in mobile, landscape and portrait.
This text aligns to the right in desktop breakpoint and smaller ones.
This text aligns to the right in tablet and smaller breakpoints.
This text aligns to the right in in mobile, landscape and portrait.
This text has a line-height of 1 (unitless) in desktop breakpoint and smaller ones.
This text has a line-height of 1 (unitless) in tablet and smaller breakpoints.
This text has a line-height of 1 (unitless) in mobile, landscape and portrait.
This text has a line-height of 1.25 (unitless) in desktop breakpoint and smaller ones.
This text has a line-height of 1.25 (unitless) in tablet and smaller breakpoints.
This text has a line-height of 1.25 (unitless) in mobile, landscape and portrait.
This text has a line-height of 1.5 (unitless) in desktop breakpoint and smaller ones.
This text has a line-height of 1.5 (unitless) in tablet and smaller breakpoints.
This text has a line-height of 1.5 (unitless) in mobile, landscape and portrait.
This text has a line-height of 1.75 (unitless) in desktop breakpoint and smaller ones.
This text has a line-height of 1.75 (unitless) in tablet and smaller breakpoints.
This text has a line-height of 1.75 (unitless) in mobile, landscape and portrait.
This text has a line-height of 2 (unitless) in desktop breakpoint and smaller ones.
This text has a line-height of 2 (unitless) in tablet and smaller breakpoints.
This text has a line-height of 2 (unitless) in mobile, landscape and portrait.
Line Height 0
This div has its display set to inline-block on tablet and smaller breakpoints.
This div has its position set to static on desktop breakpoint and smaller ones.
This div has its position set to static on tablet and smaller breakpoints.
This div has its position set to static on mobile, landscape and portrait.
This div has its position set to relative on desktop breakpoint and smaller ones.
This div has its position set to relative on tablet and smaller breakpoints.
This div has its position set to relative on mobile, landscape and portrait.
This div has its display set to block on desktop breakpoint and smaller ones.
This div has its display set to block on tablet and smaller breakpoints.
This div has its display set to block on mobile, landscape and portrait.
This div has its display set to inline-block on desktop breakpoint and smaller ones.
This div has its display set to inline-block on mobile, landscape and portrait.
This div has its display set to inline on desktop breakpoint and smaller ones.
This div has its display set to inline on tablet and smaller breakpoints.
This div has its display set to inline on mobile, landscape and portrait.
This div has its display set to none on desktop breakpoint and smaller ones.
This div has its display set to none on tablet and smaller breakpoints.
This div has its display set to none on mobile, landscape and portrait.